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Historical Narrative

I'm taking a literary journalism class this semester, and I want to combine creative non-fiction with photojournalism, in a way that I will create more of an art piece rather than a newspaper piece. One of our assignments is to write a historical narrative of sorts on a place of our choosing. I have three places in mind which I am listing below:

-Old cemetery whose name I forget (but will find out): It's an old place in Lancaster where I go to sit a lot. It's a great place to choose because it has historical background and intrigue, and has interesting gravestones and architecture.

-the Mutter Museum: I recently visited this museum and was intrigued by its history and background. I feel like it would be an excellent place to write a piece about, mainly because there are many aspects to the place and many story angles I could use. I thought about interviewing someone who works there, or even someone who lives on the same street close to the museum. 

-Overlook Park Cemetery: I love old graveyards and gravestones, and there's a small section of gravestones in Overlook Park in Lancaster Pa. There is clearly a backstory to this small cemetery and I would love to find out more about it and who is buried there, etc. I wasn't sure who to interview for this, mainly because it's so randomly placed and small, but I believe if I contact the park I could find someone who knows about the historical background of the place.